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Ayesha Mughal

Ayesha Mughal

Information Officer
Ayesha Mughal is the face of our institute. If you need any information about the institute, our language programmmes or cultural activities, she is the person who will give you all the info.
Saira Islam Niazi

Saira Islam Niazi

Teachers' Trainer & Teacher
She grew up in Germany and as a native speaker, she is familiar with the German way of life & culture. With 25 years of teaching experience under her belt, she has been teaching at the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus since its inception in 2003 and additionally trains teachers from all over South Asia.
Ghulam Farid

Ghulam Farid

Farid Ahmad has been teaching German at the ASH since 2007. He spent many years in Germany where he studied business administration. Furthermore he has participated in a correspondence course in “German as a foreign language (DaF) in methodology & didactics”. A few years ago he successfully completed all basic units of the teachers’ training programme “DLL” (German language instructors’ training) of the Goethe- Institut.At the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus he mainly teaches the advanced level language courses B1 and B2. His motto as a teacher: Learning is fun!
Tayyaba Anwaar

Tayyaba Anwaar

Tayyaba Anwaar Ahmad has been teaching German since 2014 at the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus. With a deep passion for her work, she feels that culture and its nuances are reflected in the intricacies of a language. No wonder she is fluent in many languages including Urdu in which she completed her Masters, as well as Farsi and German. Currently she is busy completing her studies in the teachers’ training programme DLL of the Goethe- Institut. Her motto: A new life is a gift of a new language!