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Fouz ul Azeem

Fouz ul Azeem

As a Data manager I develop,organise, Analyse and integrate Data creating an easy way to handle a number of courses
and students.Coordination between different departments is my sole purpose which ensures the stewardship.

Farjal ul Islam

Farjal ul Islam

As a social media manager, I develop and implement strategies to enhance online presence, create engaging content,
and manage social media channels to build brand awareness and drive engagement with the target audience.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali

Managing student registrations, responding to exam-related emails, and ensuring smooth exam processes.

Other members of our team

Other members of our team

Without Muhammad Mudassar, Kabeer Ahmad, Khadija Rafique, Mudassar Asif & Muhammad Adeel Ahmad (from left to right), the smooth running of the institution would not possible. They work behind the scenes, but without them there would be chaos all around!

Ayesha Mughal

Ayesha Mughal

Ayesha Mughal is the face of our institute. If you need any information about the institute, our language programmmes or cultural activities, she is the person who will give you all the info.

Marium Mazhar

Marium Mazhar

Marium Mazhar, our language coordinator for exams, is responsible for managing every aspect of the Goethe-Institut's exams from scratch i.e. attending exam related queries, giving appointment & registering exam participants, maintaining their database and record.  She is in direct contact with the Goethe-Institut related to exam correspondence. 

Noor-ul-Ain Rehan Ullah

Noor-ul-Ain Rehan Ullah

Noor ul Ain is responsible for organising our extensive language programme. She is the person who registers the students for our language classes as well as for our monthly examinations. She also works closely together with the director in our PASCH language programme.

Mian Khalid Munir

Mian Khalid Munir

He is responsible for managing all financial transactions and procedures, reconciling bank statements and calculating tax payments & returns and all human resource matters.

Shehnaz Adnan

Shehnaz Adnan

Since 2011, Shehnaz Adnan has been working at the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus as an administrator and head of the cultural department. Additionally, she manages the institute's digital operations, including social media, website, and emails, and is responsible for handling press-related matters. She is the main point of contact for ensuring the smooth functioning of the institute and acts as our primary liaison officer with the Alliance Française de Lahore.

Naurin Ahmad- Zaki

Naurin Ahmad- Zaki

Naurin Ahmad-Zaki who heads the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus (ASH), set up the Haus in 2003. As its director she is a permanent member of the Pak-German Society Lahore (PGSL). She also works and liaisons closely withour most valued partners, the Goethe-Institut Pakistan, the German Embassy, the German Consulate in Karachi, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and ASH’s cohabitants, the Alliance Francaise de Lahore.